27 research outputs found

    Knowledge and practice of health managers in using information technology in health system

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    Introduction: Information systems today are an inevitable link in the health care system. Health care institutions and health workers in modern society, depend on information systems in everyday tasks of organizing institutions.The goals of the study were to determine the existence and application of information technology in the health care system and of the Clinical Center of Sarajevo University and, Primary Health Care Center of Sarajevo Canton, as well as to assess knowledge and practice of managers in nursing of the Organizational units of the University Clinical Center in Sarajevo and Primary Health Care Center of Sarajevo Canton.Method: The study is of a prospective type. It will use a questionnaire based on which we will be able to determine the knowledge and application in practice of managers in nursing of knowledge about information technology in the health care system. The study was conducted from June 1st ā€“ August 1st 2010.Results: It is expected that most health institutions in the Canton Sarajevo has no organized information network system. Most managersā€™ nurses use e-mail in order to quickly contact other colleagues and exchange experiences. A large number of nurseā€™s managers in health institutions use computer technology in their daily work in order to make medical reports.Conclusions: Health system and information technology are in close relationship, although still insufficiently applied in everyday work. Management of organizational units in health care in the future will not be able to successfully function without the use of information technology in their daily work

    Znanja i statvovi ispitanika o procjeni indeksa sigurnosti bolnice u izvanrednim situacijama

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    Introduction: Today, a lot is said and written about the hospital as a health institution. Various international bodies and organizations, including the World Health Organization, deal with the problem of work, functions, and organizations. Aim: This paper aims to perform a situational analysis of the organization of the hospital for emergencies; determine the availability of material and personnel resources in the hospital available in emergencies; examine the types of hazards that may have an impact on the safety of the hospital; determine the state of constructive and non-constructive safety of the hospital; examine the organization of services and support for patients and staff during emergencies. Methods: The research is descriptive and analytical. Standardized evaluation lists prescribed by the World health organization (WHO), which determines the hospital safety index, and the original survey questionnaire, according to the defined methodology of the WHO, were used as research instruments. Research results: For this work, a survey was conducted of 117 respondents, employees of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo, who work in responsible positions. The majority of respondents believe that the conditions for preparing the hospital for emergencies can be improved by providing more human resources, educating staff, and ensuring important modern technologies. The situational analysis at the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo was carried out with an internal self-assessment of the hospital\u27s safety index. The evaluation of the safety index for emergencies was calculated based on the defined WHO methodology. Conclusion: It is important to point out that there are many dangers (hazards) that can have an impact on the safety of hospitals and that different factors have a significant role in the preparedness of hospitals for an emergency or disaster.Uvod: O bolnici kao zdravstvenoj ustanovi danas se puno govori i piÅ”e. Problemom rada, funkcije i organizacije bave se razna međunarodna tijela i organizacije uključujući Svjetsku zdravstvenu organizaciju. Cilj: Ciljevi ovog rada sljedeći su: učiniti situacijsku analizu organiziranosti bolnice za izvanredne situacije; utvrditi raspoloživost dostupnih materijalnih i kadrovskih resursa u bolnici u izvanrednim situacijama; ispitati vrste opasnosti koje mogu utjecati na sigurnost bolnice; utvrditi stanje konstruktivne i nekonstruktivne sigurnosti bolnice; ispitati organiziranost službi te podrÅ”ke pacijentima i osoblju za vrijeme izvanrednih situacija. Metode: Istraživanje je deskriptivno i analitičko. Kao instrument istraživanja koristile su se standardizirane evaluacijske liste koje je propisala Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO), a kojima se utvrđuje indeks sigurnosti bolnica. Rezultati: Za potrebe ovog rada provedeno je anketiranje 117 ispitanika, zaposlenika Kliničkog centra SveučiliÅ”ta u Sarajevu, koji rade na odgovornim radnim mjestima. Većina ispitanika smatra da se uvjeti za pripremu bolnice za hitne slučajeve mogu poboljÅ”ati povećanjem ljudskih resursa, edukacijom osoblja i osiguravanjem suvremenih tehnologija. Situacijska analiza u Kliničkom centru SveučiliÅ”ta u Sarajevu provedena je uz internu samoprocjenu indeksa sigurnosti bolnice. Procjena indeksa sigurnosti za hitne slučajeve izračunata je na temelju definirane metodologije SZO-a. Zaključak: Važno je istaknuti da postoji mnogo opasnosti koje mogu utjecati na sigurnost bolnica te da različiti faktori imaju važnu ulogu u pripremljenosti bolnica za neku vanrednu situaciju ili katastrofu


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    Due to increased production and fierce competition on the market, employees in the food industry have an additional obligation to produce those products that meet the needs and wishes of consumers in terms of composition, appearance, quality, safety and price. The goal of establishing quality in shopping centers that sell food items is to ensure all conditions that meet consumer and worker protection standards. Developing countries are expected to meet all criteria in the short term when it comes to the safety and quality of food processing, storage and sale. This research is descriptive. The methods of induction, deduction and compilation were used. An original questionnaire was used for the research, created on the basis of a review of professional and scientific literature, and experiences based on practice. The research was conducted in shopping centers of the Central Bosnian Canton on a sample of 113 respondents who work in the chain of storage and sale of food items. The research was conducted in the period from June 1 to August 1, 2020. The majority of respondents, 73.5% of them, believe that they know the food management process well. When it comes to protective equipment at work, 52.2% of respondents use it fully. More than half of the respondents, 59.5% of them, state that expired food products are disposed of in the standard municipal waste. The majority of respondents to whom the customer returned an inadequate product offered an adequate replacement or return of the item with a refund. The study confirms the assumption that employees in the food departments of shopping centers have good knowledge, a positive attitude and good practice in the process of storing and selling food


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    Due to increased production and fierce competition on the market, employees in the food industry have an additional obligation to produce those products that meet the needs and wishes of consumers in terms of composition, appearance, quality, safety and price. The goal of establishing quality in shopping centers that sell food items is to ensure all conditions that meet consumer and worker protection standards. Developing countries are expected to meet all criteria in the short term when it comes to the safety and quality of food processing, storage and sale. This research is descriptive. The methods of induction, deduction and compilation were used. An original questionnaire was used for the research, created on the basis of a review of professional and scientific literature, and experiences based on practice. The research was conducted in shopping centers of the Central Bosnian Canton on a sample of 113 respondents who work in the chain of storage and sale of food items. The research was conducted in the period from June 1 to August 1, 2020. The majority of respondents, 73.5% of them, believe that they know the food management process well. When it comes to protective equipment at work, 52.2% of respondents use it fully. More than half of the respondents, 59.5% of them, state that expired food products are disposed of in the standard municipal waste. The majority of respondents to whom the customer returned an inadequate product offered an adequate replacement or return of the item with a refund. The study confirms the assumption that employees in the food departments of shopping centers have good knowledge, a positive attitude and good practice in the process of storing and selling food

    Knowledge and practice of health managers in using information technology in health system

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    Introduction: Information systems today are an inevitable link in the health care system. Health care institutions and health workers in modern society, depend on information systems in everyday tasks of organizing institutions.The goals of the study were to determine the existence and application of information technology in the health care system and of the Clinical Center of Sarajevo University and, Primary Health Care Center of Sarajevo Canton, as well as to assess knowledge and practice of managers in nursing of the Organizational units of the University Clinical Center in Sarajevo and Primary Health Care Center of Sarajevo Canton. Method: The study is of a prospective type. It will use a questionnaire based on which we will be able to determine the knowledge and application in practice of managers in nursing of knowledge about information technology in the health care system. The study was conducted from June 1st ā€“ August 1st 2010. Results: It is expected that most health institutions in the Canton Sarajevo has no organized information network system. Most managersā€™ nurses use e-mail in order to quickly contact other colleagues and exchange experiences. A large number of nurseā€™s managers in health institutions use computer technology in their daily work in order to make medical reports. Conclusions: Health system and information technology are in close relationship, although still insufficiently applied in everyday work. Management of organizational units in health care in the future will not be able to successfully function without the use of information technology in their daily work

    Zadovoljstvo pacijenata uslugama bolničke ishrane

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    Introduction: Satisfaction of patients has been frequently used as an indicator of quality in the healthcare sector. The analysis of patient satisfaction or experience in respect of hospital food is an important segment influencing the overall satisfaction with hospital services provided, and the study results should serve for the purpose of improving the service quality. Aim: To analyse patient satisfaction with hospital food services, evaluate the level of satisfaction in respect of food distribution, and give recommendations for improvement of hospital food quality. Materials and methods: The study included 300 patients hospitalized in the Clinical Centre of the University of Sarajevo (CCSU). The study used an anonymous, purposely designed questionnaire. The study was conducted in the period from 1 May to 31 August 2017. Results: The study related to patient satisfaction with hospital food services showed that the respondents were satisfied with hospital food in the majority of cases. Few respondents were unsatisfied with food provided from the central kitchen, specifically 5% of them; 25% of the respondents were unsatisfied with the nutritive value of the food, 6% of them were unsatisfied with the menu, and 10% of the respondents were unsatisfied with the dietary treatment. Conclusion: Nutrition of patients during their hospital treatment has significant influence on the overall recovery and it significantly affects the overall satisfaction regarding patientsā€™ treatment in hospital. Small number of the tested patients showed subjective perception in respect of nutritive value of the food and prescribed dietary regime.Uvod: Zadovoljstvo pacijenata sve se viÅ”e upotrebljava kao indikator kvalitete u zdravstvenom sektoru. Ispitivanje zadovoljstva ili iskustava pacijenata s prehranom u bolnici predstavlja važan segment koji utječe na opće zadovoljstvo pruženim zdravstvenim uslugama u bolnici, a rezultati ispitivanja moraju služiti u svrhu poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta usluga. Cilj rada: Ispitati zadovoljstvo pacijenata uslugama bolničke prehrane, ocijeniti stupanj zadovoljstva distribucijom hrane te prikazati preporuke za unaprjeđenje kvalitete bolničke prehrane. Metode istraživanja: Istraživanje je provedeno među 300 hospitaliziranih pacijenata u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Za istraživanje je primijenjen namjenski konstruiran anonimni anketni upitnik. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od 1. svibnja do 31. kolovoza 2017. Rezultati istraživanja: NaÅ”e je istraživanje pokazalo da su ispitanici u najvećem broju slučajeva zadovoljni bolničkom prehranom. Manji je broj ispitanika nezadovoljan hranom iz centralne kuhinje, i to 5%, 25% ispitanika nije zadovoljno nutritivnom vrijednoŔću obroka, 6% jelovnikom, a 10% provođenjem dijetetskog tretmana. Zaključak: Prehrana pacijenata za vrijeme bolničkog tretmana ima važan utjecaj na cjelokupni oporavak od bolesti i znatno utječe na opće zadovoljstvo pacijenta tretmanom u bolnici. Manji broj ispitanika subjektivno percipira nezadovoljstvo nutritivnom vrijednoŔću obroka i provođenjem propisane dijete


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    Introduction: Evaluation and categorization of patients enable us to determine the number of hours required for their medical treatment, to calculate the number of required nursing staff, to monitor and evaluate results, and to determine financing of services. Standardized forms are used for appropriate assessment of patient condition and need for medical care. Categorization of patients contains comprehensive data related to patient condition based on 16 risk factors. Objective of the study: to determine the number of hospitalized patients categorized in the group of patients in high demand for progressive care; to show care evaluation and treatment outcome of highly categorized patients; and to examine the ratio of medical care providers in relation to the number of highly categorized patients. Methods: the study was conducted among patients hospitalized at the Sarajevo University Clinical Center in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2017. The research used standardized nursing documentation, patient categorization forms, monthly evaluation reports and other relevant documentation. The study included 25 organizational units. Analysis of highly categorized patients requiring progressive medical care was conducted in 15 organizational units of the Sarajevo University Clinical Center. In the course of the study, identity and other personal data of patients were protected. This was a retrospective study. Study results and discussion: patients were categorized in one of four categories, in accordance with the methodology described. Most of the total of 28097 patients were category 1 patients where self care sufficed (40.7%), while there were 22.4% of patients in category 4, the majority of them hospitalized at the Department of Neurology (n=1300). Based on the number of patients from different categories and the time required for their treatment, we gave an estimate of the number of nurses required for providing quality medical care. Their number was by 50% lower than their actual number. The percentage of cured patients at the Sarajevo University Clinical Center was 75%. Conclusions: categorization of patients should have its purpose and final objective directed at strategic planning of human resource in the field of nursing, monitoring the course and outcome of health care processes, and analysis of nursing clinical practice efficiency and effectiveness. Study results showed realistic need for medical care providers at different departments where patients were categorized for progressive care. Analysis of the results confirmed that the percentage of cured patients was higher at departments with a higher number of nurses in respect to their estimated number.Uvod: Procjena trijažiranja bolesnika u kategorije omogućava nam utvrditi broj sati potrebnih za zdravstvenu skrb bolesnika, proračun potrebnog sestrinskog osoblja, praćenje i evaluiranje ishoda i financiranje usluga. Za odgovarajuću procjenu stanja bolesnika i potreba za zdravstvenom skrbi koriste se standardizirani obrasci. Kategorizacija bolesnika sadrži sveobuhvatne podatke o stanju bolesnika sagledanom u 16 čimbenika rizika u zdravstvenoj njezi. Cilj rada: Utvrditi broj hospitaliziranih bolesnika kategoriziranih visokom ocjenom za progresivnu zdravstvenu skrb; prikazati evaluaciju zdravstvene skrbi i ishod liječenja visoko kategoriziranih bolesnika; ispitati omjer izvrÅ”itelja zdravstvene skrbi u odnosu na broj visoko kategoriziranih bolesnika. Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno među hospitaliziranim bolesnicima u Kliničkom centru SveučiliÅ”ta u Sarajevu od 1. siječnja do 31. prosinca 2017. godine. Za istraživanje je koriÅ”tena standardizirana sestrinska dokumentacija, obrasci kategorizacije bolesnika, mjesečna izvjeŔća i druga relevantna dokumentacija. Istraživanje je provedeno u 25 organizacijskih jedinica ustanove. Analizirani su visoko kategorizirani bolesnici za potrebe progresivne zdravstvene skrbi u 15 organizacijskih jedinica Kliničkoga centra SveučiliÅ”ta u Sarajevu. Za vrijeme provođenja istraživanja identitet i drugi osobni podatci o bolesnicima bili su zaÅ”tićeni. Istraživanje je retrospektivno. Rezultati i rasprava: Bolesnici su svrstani u jednu od četiri kategorije sukladno metodi opisanoj u radu. Od 28.097 bolesnika najviÅ”e ih je bilo 1. kategorije za koje je samoskrb dovoljna (40,7%), dok je bolesnika 4. kategorije bilo 22,4%, od čega najviÅ”e u NeuroloÅ”koj klinici (1300). Na osnovi broja bolesnika različitih kategorija i vremena koje je potrebno za njihovo liječenje procijenjen je broj medicinskih sestara neophodan za kvalitetnu skrb. Njihov broj je za 50% manji od stvarnog broja zaposlenih. Postotak izliječenih bolesnika u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu je 75%. Zaključci: Razvrstavanje bolesnika u kategorije trebalo bi imati svoju svrhu i konačan cilj usmjeren na strateÅ”ko planiranje ljudskih resursa u području sestrinstva, praćenje tijeka i ishoda procesa zdravstvene skrbi te analizu učinkovitosti i sposobnosti sestrinske kliničke prakse. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su stvarne potrebe za izvrÅ”iteljima zdravstvene skrbi na odjelima klinika gdje su bolesnici kategorizirani ocjenom za progresivnu skrb. Analizom rezultata je potvrđeno da je postotak izliječenosti veći na klinikama koje imaju broj sestara veći u odnosu na procijenjeni


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    Motivation in healthcare involves factors that encourage people to do their jobs in the best manner possible. Employee motivation is one of the key tasks and managerial functions. The basic is that motivation must be based on what we want to achieve, that is, reward things that we want more to be present, that is, encourage those behaviors that lead to the achievement of the organization\u27s goals. To nurses the key factors for work are motivation and satisfaction. Their satisfaction with work affects the quality of health care services provision, their availability and efficiency. The research are explorative and descriptive. The study used internal documents and regulations of the Human Resources Department of the University Clinical Center Sarajevo. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 301 nurses-technicians employed at the organizational units of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. The questionnaire survey was anonymous and the questionnaire was available in the electronic Google Forms platform. The survey was conducted in the period from July 01th 2019 to July 31st 2019. Non material compensation is a key motivator for nurses\u27 productivity. The research findings should serve to create nursing development strategies and strategies that promote quality of work at all levels of nursing practice


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    Motivation in healthcare involves factors that encourage people to do their jobs in the best manner possible. Employee motivation is one of the key tasks and managerial functions. The basic is that motivation must be based on what we want to achieve, that is, reward things that we want more to be present, that is, encourage those behaviors that lead to the achievement of the organization\u27s goals. To nurses the key factors for work are motivation and satisfaction. Their satisfaction with work affects the quality of health care services provision, their availability and efficiency. The research are explorative and descriptive. The study used internal documents and regulations of the Human Resources Department of the University Clinical Center Sarajevo. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 301 nurses-technicians employed at the organizational units of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. The questionnaire survey was anonymous and the questionnaire was available in the electronic Google Forms platform. The survey was conducted in the period from July 01th 2019 to July 31st 2019. Non material compensation is a key motivator for nurses\u27 productivity. The research findings should serve to create nursing development strategies and strategies that promote quality of work at all levels of nursing practice


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    An educated nurse has abilities to recognize and assess patientsā€™ healthcare needs. Following the identified needs, the nurse organizes a healthcare process that meets the needs of patients. By standardizing education and professional practice, and recording the work of a nurse, the changes that are taking place in the nursing profession are recognizable. Certain activities related to the management and quality control of health services have set new requirements but also challenges for nurses and technicians. Traditional care, which until now was carried out exclusively on the doctor\u27s order, has now been replaced by modern health care. The purpose of modern health care is an individual approach for each patient, which is properly recorded in the health care documentation. The study is exploratory, descriptive, analytical, and comparative. The author\u27s original questionnaire was used as a study instrument, created based on a review of scientific and professional literature and experiences from clinical practice. The results of statistical data analysis are presented in tables and graphs by the absolute number of cases and percentages. Comparison and influence of individual factors were examined using the chi-square test, with test results considered significant at the 95% confidence level (p <0.05). The analysis was conducted using the IBM Statistics SPSS v 25.0 sociological study package (Chicago, Illinois, USA). Nurses believe that quality health care contributes to a faster process of treating patients in 91.6% of cases and that partial contributions are considered by 7.6% of them. Only one respondent believes that quality health care does not contribute to a faster healing process. Nurses believe that their colleagues provide the health care process in whole or in part in a quality, safe and equal way. This study confirmed that standardization has a positive impact on building the identity, integrity, and autonomy of the nursing profession, and it achieves the precondition for certification and accreditation of a health institution